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terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013

Coréia do Norte fez outro teste nuclear

E qual vai ser a reação dos potenciais futuros alvos da Coréia do Norte? Muita reunião, muito discurso, muita cara feia e ... mais nada.

Obama, o inimigo numero 1 da América, talvez até mande pintar um grande X sobre o Central Park, para ajudar na mira dos mísseis norte-coreanos.

O governo norte-coreano, aliás, postou no último sábado um vídeo no You Tube no qual Nova York é destruída por um bombardeio nucler. A notícia é da Fox News:

"North Korea, already gearing up for yet another nuclear test, has posted a bizarre online video depicting New York under an apparent missile attack with "We Are the World" serving as a soundtrack.

The three-minute video posted on YouTube on Saturday was released by Uriminzokkiri, which distributes news and propaganda from North Korea’s state-run media. It features a young man in a dream sequence in which he sees himself aboard a North Korean space shuttle launched into orbit by the same type of rocket Pyongyang successfully launched in December. A densely populated city, which is shrouded in a U.S. flag, is then depicted to the tune of “We Are the World,” the charity single recorded in 1985.

“Somewhere in the United States, black clouds of smoke are billowing,” reads a caption translated from Korean. “It seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze with the fire started by itself.”
The video concludes with the young man saying his dream will “surely” come true. As of early Tuesday, it had been viewed more than 60,000 times.

“Despite all kinds of attempts by imperialists to isolate and crush us … never will anyone be able to stop the people marching toward a final victory,” a final caption reads.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, in a statement to, said the video is another "disturbing reminder" of what a nuclear-capable North Korea would mean to the world."

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