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terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2015

Bonecos de neve serão o próximo alvo do terrorismo islâmico

Da Fox News:

A prominent Saudi Arabian cleric has caused a stir by declaring the building of snowmen as anti-Islamic.

After a snowstorm hit northern Saudi Arabia this week, a religious website asked Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munajjid if it was acceptable for fathers to build snowmen for their children, Reuters reports.
Sheikh Munajjid, quoting Muslim scholars, argues that the building of snowmen creates an image of human beings -- an action viewed as sinful under Saudi Arabia’s interpretation of Sunni Islam.

Comento: desde já os "intelectuais" de esquerda do ocidente declaram que fazer bonecos de neve é um abuso da liberdade de expressão.

Em tempo, cientistas da ONU declaram que tempestade de neve na Arábia Saudita faz parte do aquecimento global...

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