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sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2018

De Bradley Parscale

Big Tech’s anti-conservative bias is positively institutional. Facebook, Google (YouTube), and Twitter all work with the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left organization with a proven track record of anti-conservative bias, to decide what is and isn’t “hate speech.”
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Big Tech is set to return to its free speech roots anytime soon. The Left clearly no longer values free speech at all.
Controversial commentator Alex Jones and his website Infowars were deplatformed last week from Facebook, YouTube, and other sites. The act was met with relish by liberals and Democrats. They were excited by the establishment of a precedent that will inevitably lead to the silencing of those with far less controversial opinions than Jones.
What we are seeing in Big Tech is the inherent totalitarian impulse of the Left come into full focus. The Left is losing at the ballot box, and there are some signs it is starting to lose the culture war too. The free and open Internet has been indispensable in spreading conservative ideas, and it was indispensable in getting Donald Trump elected president — and now the Left wishes to destroy it.

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