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domingo, 4 de abril de 2010


"Totalitarism is much more than just a dictatorship or authoritarian state. The totalitarian state seeks to dictate the behavior of its inmates down to the most minute detail, and creates for this purpose institutions that will allow that total surveillance and total control. In Byzantine-Orthodox civilization and in the Western totalitarism copied from it, all departments of human endeavor, including economics, religion, sports, marriage, and even thinking are conceived of as departments. Appropriate institutions are required to mediate totalitarian control in each of those areas."

"In totalitarianism, both the individual and society disappear into the maw of the all-consuming Moloch, the state."

"Totalitarian fascism starts as a radical mass movement sponsored by bankers which, if it is able to seize power, produces a regime or governing system which seeks to mutilate, modify, and crush the conception of the individual."

"The fascist regime is a government controlled in practice by a single party - a one-party state."

Trechos da página 294 do livro Obama, The Postmodern Coup, de Webster Greffin Tarpley.

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