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quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014

De Ann Coulter

Obama has gone mad and is defying the law in order to "fundamentally transform America" -- as he pledged to do during the 2008 campaign -- into Latin America.

Constitutionally, the remedy for a president defying the law so he can assist an alien invasion is impeachment. But the media won't let us impeach Obama -- and Republicans don't have the votes, anyway. The only way for Americans to fight back is to put large Republican majorities in the House and Senate this November.
Comento: Obama não enloqueceu, ele apenas está cumprindo sua tarefa que é a destruição dos EUA. Quem enlouqueceu foram os 51% de americanos (uns 150 milhões) que não conseguem perceber o processo de destruição do seu país.

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