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domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009


Em recente aparição no circo anual da ONU o ditador terrorista Khadafi, irmão de Lula, declarou que Obama deveria ser presidente dos Estados Unidos para sempre. O circo aplaudiu.

Obama frequentou por mais de 20 anos a igreja do reverendo Wright, aquele que declara "Deus amaldiçoe a América" em seus sermões.

Obama também participou do movimento de Louis Farrakhan, incluindo sua principal manifestação, a "million men march" promovido em Washington em 1995. Farrakhan, além de amigo de Obama, é líder de um negócio denominado Nation of Islam.

Nas páginas 192 e 193 do livro The Obama Nation encontrei os seguintes trechos:

"In 1984, Wright accompanied Farrakhan to Libya, where they met with Muammar Qaddafi. Referring to the relationship between Lybia and the Nation of Isalm, Matias Gardell has commented: "Qaddafi has for many years been the Nation of Islam`s most prominent supporter in the Islamic heart-land and regularly has assisted the Nation of Islam whenever the need has arisen." Farrakhan finds great affinity with the revolutionary islamic socialism professed by Qaddafi. "

"In 1967, Muhammad Ali became a hero in the Black Muslim movement after he refused to serve in the U.S. military in Vietnam,...In the 1970s, Muhammad Ali played a prominent role,, along with Nation of Islam leaders, including Farrakhan, in negotiating financial aid for the Nation from Qaddafi. In 1972 Lybia provided and interest-free loan of $3 million, permitting the Nation of Islam to purchase what became their national center on Chicago`s south side. Since then, Farrakhan has been able to call on Qaddafi to use Lybia`s oil revenue to assist the Nation through various financial hard times."

Gardell quotes Farrakhan as saying: "We`ve come back by the grace of God and the help of brother Muammar Qaddafi. This is why we will always love him, admire him and respect him and stand up and speak on his behalf."

"What excatly Wright and Farrakhan accomplished in their 1984 visit to see Qaddafi in Lybia has never been disclosed. Judging by the history of the relationship between the Nation of Islam and Qaddafi, we can safely speculate that at a minimum the meeting further afirmed the anti-american views that Black Muslim and black-liberation theology hold in common with Lybia."

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