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domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

Mais sobre Obama

O livro The Obama Nation, de Jerome Corsi, demonstra que a formação de Obama ocorreu num coquetel que misturava ódio racial, comunismo e islamismo. Nunca nates na história daquele país...

O inspirador do slogan utilizado na campanha de Obama - "change" - foi Saul Alinsky. Abaixo, trechos das páginas 131 e 132 do livro:

"Alinsky`s goal was to set in motion a peacefull revolution, using the ballot box (urna), not bombs or bullets, to wrench power from the hands of capitalist elites and business leaders currently in charge. Make no mistake about it: "change"was always Alinsky`s code word for creating a socialist revolution, even if the methodology meant radicals would cut their hair, put on business suits, and run for political office. Alinsky taught organizers to hide their true intentions in the words they spoke. Denying the truth or just plain lying were both acceptable tactics, as long as the cause was advanced. He taught organizers to ridicule opponents when the arguments of their opponent could not be refuted by logic, evidence, or argument. In the streets, Alinsky had learned the old comunist adage that derision would cause community audiences to laugh at their opponents, rather than listen to what their opponents were saying."

"Organization for action will now and in the decade ahead center upon America's white middle class, Alinsky wrote. That is where the power is. He taught the obvious: when more than three-fourths of our people from both the point of view of economics and of their self-identification are middle class, it is obvious that their action or inaction will determine the direction of change. Alinsky imagined that even if all low-income minorities could be organized together in one coalition, including blacks, mexican-americans, puerto ricans, and appalachian poor whites, this coalition would fail because it would not be powerful enough to get significant, basic, needed changes. For Alinsky, the pragmatics of power meant radicals needed to realize the value of their middle-class experience, so they could stop rejecting their middle-class identity to build bridges of communication and unity over the gaps,, generation, values,"

Correctly, Alinsky saw radicals such as himself and Obama as elitists by nature, in their assertion that the leftist social values they sought to pursue justified the use of tactics whose very nature was a lie. The last thing Alinsky wanted was form himself to be middle class. What he sought was to grab the power from the corporate and business elite he reviled. For Alinsky, the middle class was a pawn. As much as he disdained the middle class and wanted to overturn middle-class identity and values, Alinsky was smart enough to realize he could produce his desired "change" only by convincing the middle class to side with him in its own destruction."

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